Rain, Rain, Go away. Come again.....in like three weeks. SERIOUSLY. I have had it with the rain. Not only does it affect my mood - it also has resulted in negative things happening in my garden.
Apparently, too much of a good thing (rain) is not a good thing with several plants. I can see things going drastically worse if someone doesn't turn off the faucet soon and for more than just a day. Below is a summary of plants that don't like this much rain.


Jalapenos (sorry tilt your head and look for the little peppers):

Green Peppers:


You know what loves this water? Weeds. You'll have to excuse the huge mess of weeds, but I can hardly make it into the garden just to check on things without sinking down.
Something else that doesn't seem to care about the rain:

Zucchini. Oh well, they aren't overproducing...so I can handle a few a week. Hopefully, happy posts will return shortly. If I stop posting, I'm grieving the death of my garden.