Last year, our cherry tree had a ton of green cherries on it - but they never turned red and were eventually overtaken by pests. That's what we get for trying to be organic (insert sarcastic tone here)! Anyhow, Ryan was very excited to find a tree full of ripe cherries yesterday, so he wanted to pick them.
Did I mention they are ORGANIC?
Sorry about the low-quality picture, but yes that is bird shit on the cherry. It did not get picked - no worries, we are selective!
Overall, we picked nearly one gallon of cherries. Ryan was so excited he couldn't keep his eyes open:
As sweet as they were to eat, Ryan really wanted a cherry pie. I washed the cherries and then pitted enough for a pie. I have never pitted cherries and I can't say I enjoyed it. Needless to say, I have added "cherry pitter" to my list next time I visit Bed, Bath and Beyond.
The pie recipe I used can be found here:
Finished baking:
A slice:
Ryan says: Mmmmmmm......good.