Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time to Think about Preservation

My tomato plants are looking GREAT. You know what that means?!?!?! More SALSA! Last year I only canned salsa and peppers (both jalapenos and Tabasco peppers). This year, I hope to stock up on more salsa and other veggies if possible.

In my quest to improve my education (and the fact I have a lot of free time on my hands), I signed up for two food preservation classes through the University of Illinois Extension!

Here are the descriptions:
June 17th–Canning: This program will offer information on the two safe ways to can. We will demonstrate how to do boiling water bath canning and pressure canning. The equipment for both types of canning will be shown. There will be a discussion on which method should be used for different foods.

June 24th–Freezing and Salsa making: Freezing is one of the easiest methods of preserving food. This program will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of freezing. The importance of pretreatments for some foods will be discussed and blanching will be demonstrated. Some important guidelines for preparing safe home canned salsas will be provided

They also offered a jam/jelly and food drying session, but I'll stick to these two for now. I hope I can learn a little more about canning - especially with tomatoes. I also hope to pick up other ideas for my various veggies in the garden!

You may want to check your local extension offices to see if they are offering courses, as well. I wish I had someone close to take the course with me, but maybe it will be an opportunity for me to make new (85-year-old) friends.


  1. This cracks me up. I want to find people to crochet with, but then I realized that there probably aren't that many folks my age that crochet. I know a few, but they are scattered all over the country and its hard to crochet together over the internet. :)

  2. I want to crochet, too! But, you are the only person I know who does it and I can't drive an hour to crochet. Plus, you would need to teach me. :)
